No one ❌ resonates w/ perfection

3 non-obvious insights from 5 dudes and a panda 🐼

Hey, Paige here! Back with another creator deep dive. 

You’ve probably heard of them—masters of the trick shots 🏀 These guys hold 19 world records and have gained fans of all ages (my 12-year-old brother and 76-year-old grandma included). 

Today we’re unpacking: 
🎯 Why process > perfection
🎯 Inclusivity… but gated
🎯 Major post-production mistakes

So what exactly can B2B marketers learn from 5 dudes and a panda?

Here’s my take…

  • 60 million subscribers on YouTube

  • 440K followers on X

  • 12.3 million followers on Instagram

  • 18.1 million followers on TikTok

It’s about the process, not perfection
These guys are master storytellers… but they don’t use words to drive the experience. Instead, they share clips throughout the entire process. 

You don’t make a basket off a 500-foot building on the first try — it took the crew 25 hours to set the record. 

When they aren’t breaking world records, they’re competing with each other (a little nod to their origin story, where they battled for sandwiches). From reindeer games to medieval jousts, Dude Perfect has its audience tuned in to see who comes out on top. 

And if that’s not enough—they’ve got a mascot. Things get a little too ‘bro-y’ and in pops this guy: 

It can be tempting to record your video 523 times and just share the polished version—this is your reminder that the process tells the story.

Share how you got to the end product. What product dev mistakes did you make? How’d you learn? What teams have you worked with to get you where you are? Highlight those unavoidable ups and downs that get you from point A to B. 

No one resonates with perfection. 

Building (gated) inclusivity
So you want a little one-on-one with the dudes? Good news 🎉 they’re coming to a town near you. 

From online streaming platforms, traveling shows, a cruise ship and a $100M theme park to house their new HQ, you can book meet-and-greets, submit questions and hang out with the crew. 

But here’s the kicker—their “open access” is gated. 

Dude Perfect feels accessible. When you watch their content, you feel like you’re really watching a couple guys do some really cool stuff. But if you pay attention… they don’t really share much outside of the experience. 

Wanna get to know the guys? You have to show up.

You can gate your content and still retain the feeling of inclusivity. Try offering round tables (this is where the good stuff really comes out), 1:1’s or other limited-access events — where the personal brands you’re building for your company can engage with your market IRL.

Authenticity in your content ≠ unlimited personal access

Don’t overdo post-production
Dude Perfect doesn’t seem to overthink post-production. Don’t get me wrong—their effects and editing are great, but it’s a long way off from cinematic. 

You’ll catch boom mics in frame, shaky and unfocused frames here and there. But truth is, the guys don’t need CGI, scripted outtakes or effects beyond their rough sketches and simple text overlays. 

Too often, people pour SO much focus into post-production that they entirely skip over what should really be the main focus: 

Creating content so good it doesn’t need crazy post-edits to hold attention. 

Dude Perfect embeds a ‘wow factor’ with their trick shots, humor and silly attitudes. Their reels and shorts are simple, in-office footage with little-to-no obvious edits. 

As a content marketer, your post-production should be a ‘nice-to-have,’ not the only selling point. If your content can’t stand on its own without a massive overhaul from your video team… it’s simply not good enough.

Focus on nailing premise development, building a killer strategy before hitting the ground running and giving your pre-production plenty of attention. When you truly understand the central focus of your content and stay honed in on the payoff for your audience, post-production takes care of itself. 

Alright... that's a wrap! Who do you want to see featured next?

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That’s it, ya’ll. Happy creating!

Paige Peterson
Newsletter Aficionado, Sweet Fish

When I’m not writing about your fav creators or crafting stories, you can catch me with my kids or trying to revive the plant I forgot to water… again🪴 Go climb a tree — your creative brain will thank you.