Is your content missing these 3 things?

Try Shaan Puri’s “Mario” framework

Little Mario is one misstep away from total disaster. But once you get that super mushroom, you can shoot fireballs, glide with the tanuki tail, or spin enemies into oblivion with the raccoon tail. 

Big Mario gives you more power, of course, but it also sets you a few extra steps away from the dreaded level reset. 

Shaan Puri from My First Million uses this ‘Big Mario’ concept to shape his content strategy for first-impressions and long-term affinity 

Paige back with the B2B Growth Newsletter, where we break down what one of the internet’s favorite creators is doing right so you can use their strategies to build raving fans for your company.


The ‘Big Mario’ mindset isn’t incredibly complicated… Think of it like this: 

Your customer: Little Mario
Your product: Super Mushroom
Your customer with your product: Big Mario

Shaan breaks it down a little further ⤵️

So, simple terms — focus your content on improving quality of life for your customers. Stop moving so quickly from education to product demos and promos. 

Easier said than done. So how can we implement the ‘Big Mario’ mindset into actual content creation? 

Focus on first impressions. Every time. 

Each time you share content, you reach countless potential Little Marios. The caveat — they don’t know they’re Little Marios. 

People need to see you, your brand, and what you can do to transform their problem into a superpower. Every time Shaan posts, he crafts his content to make a fantastic first impression. 

What are three descriptors you want your audience to describe you with? For Shaan, these are: 

  • Fun

  • Bold

  • Successful

Instead of framing his personal branding content around the product he offers, he ensures that his audience will take away the intended impression of these three descriptors, feeling educated, empowered, and wanting for the benefits of the outcome he provides. 

Additionally, Shaan describes what he doesn’t want to be known as: Fake and robotic. 

When you pair the ‘Big Mario’ mindset with Shaan’s pillar-branding exercise, you get a playbook to build an outcome-driven content strategy that places the focus on your customer’s transformation. 

Let’s break it down step by step: 

  1. Define your pillars — what do you want to be known for? 

  2. Define your anti-pillars — what don’t you want to be known for? 

  3. Dissect the transformation journey — how does your customer level up with your product or service? 

  4. Create a content plan — how can you educate, entertain, and inspire your audience to see the ‘Big Mario’ outcome without jumping straight into product-focused content?

  5. Iterate and reframe — Make sure your content is in alignment with your pillars, and offers clear value to your audience (first-impression focused while still satisfying longer-term audience members) 

Your customers and their journey should be the core focus of your content, whether you’re building your brand platform or driving awareness through employee advocacy. 

Shift focus from your brand, your product, and your expertise to drive awareness to the benefits each aspect of your business can provide to your audience. 

The takeaway: When you target your content to the benefit of your audience (helping them level up to ‘Big Mario’) and tailor every post to satisfy your core pillars, you create connections with both new and existing audience members.

That’s it, ya’ll. Happy creating!

Paige Peterson
Newsletter Aficionado, Sweet Fish

When I’m not writing about your fav creators or crafting stories, you can catch me with my kids or trying to revive the plant I forgot to water… again🪴On a mission to climb a new tree every week 💪

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