2nd largest search engine now #1 discoverability platform

31% of engaged audiences start on YouTube

Hey, Paige here!

Before we get into today’s best marketing research…

In today’s release: 

  • Got video content? We’ll share the #1 discoverability platform in town

  • Audience growth starts on YouTube… but it doesn’t end there

  • Forget the algo — do YouTube right with these 4 expert tips

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Last week week we broke down the importance of adding video to your content marketing plan. 

A little recap of the data: 

  • 89% of consumers want to see more videos from brands

  • Most companies fall short with the type of video they invest in

  • Videos increase social engagement by up to 1200%  and increase conversion on landing pages by up to 80%

But just as important as creating and sharing those videos is where you post them

For most, the answer should include YouTube. 

YouTube is now the second-largest search engine (Google still wins first place). But it also happens to take the top spot for discoverability. 

Of all regular content consumers, regardless of age, 31% discovered new brands and video podcasts on YouTube. 

Taking a look at Gen Z (they are becoming your buyers, many between ages 18-27 and officially entering into the workforce), that number skyrockets to 84%.

This doesn’t mean you should only post to YouTube. Listeners who start on this platform, often move on to consume your content across different platforms with 56% branching out to other streaming services after discovering your content. 

This means YouTube alone likely won’t drive your entire content marketing strategy. However, it is absolutely essential for discoverability and moving viewers from video content to your social media platforms, website, and beyond—

This is where a crystal clear content path comes into play. 

It’s clear — YouTube is ruling at the #1 discoverability platform when it comes to video content and podcasting. Not to mention the insane benefits video has in building true brand affinity and the fact that the platform has 122 million daily active users (and a total user base of over 2.49 billion). 

But many marketers shirk at jumping onto the platform. Why? 

Simple: YouTube isn’t always easy. It requires a video-first, personality-led approach. 

For your business to succeed on YouTube, you’ve got to step a little outside the traditional marketing box (looking at you, B2B). 

Expert tips for winning on YouTube: 

  • Create for your audience, not the algorithm. YouTube reach is not triggered by uploads, it’s driven by viewer behavior. 

  • Your title, thumbnail, first 30 seconds, and conclusion matter most. Start with these before filming anything. 

  • Pay attention to comments and interactions — they will reveal what your audience likes, wants, and needs. 

  • Put a personality first. People follow people, not brands. Highlight you own expertise and focus on solving problems, providing education, and entertaining your audience using personality-led content. 

YouTube usage continues to grow across all demographics and is increasingly powerful as a discoverability tool. 

The takeaway: By leveraging YouTube to share your personality-led content, you can tap into an engaged audience that is invested in your brand and more likely to transform into raving fans across all platforms. 

That’s it, ya’ll! Happy creating. 

Paige Peterson
Newsletter Aficionado, Sweet Fish

P.s. We know what makes a video podcast work for your business. Want to learn more? You’re in luck — stay tuned for our original research, The 2025 State of Video Podcasting Report, mid-October.

P.p.s. What do you think the future of video podcasting will look like for companies? Respond to this email and let us know 📨